Monday, September 27, 2010

Lion of Ta Meri - A White Demon in Black People

European history proves, beyond any doubt, that they have never had an understanding of God. If they did, they would have never committed the atrocities that they engaged in throughout the world. Therefore, how can we accept their interpretation of the bible or of spirituality, when their actions are so vehemently contrary, and opposed to both. Everywhere they went they were welcomed, fed and sheltered. Only to turn around and murder and enslave their hosts. There is no exception to this. The missionaries preached a false, made up doctrine, that non-whites were divinely inferior to whites, to prepare the indigenous people for perpetual colonization. They promulgated this white supremacist theology everywhere they went, using a false picture of Jesus, created by Michael Angelo, by order of Pope Julius II in 1505. This was the same time period that European slavery began, with the Pope's blessings, as Christopher Columbus sailed out of Europe. The white image of Jesus was used as a psychological tool, to get non-whites to worship, revere and fear the white man. Sadly, that fear and reverence, is still in far too many black people today.

Historically, the pictures of Jesus, and His mother Mary, were black, reflecting their ethnic and geographical origin. Today, in churches all over Europe; in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Poland, Russian, etc., one can find antique pictures and statues of the Black Madonna and Child (examples). Why don't we have these in Africa or South America? What happened, that the entire non-white world is awash with pictures and statues of a white Mary and Jesus? White supremacy is what happened. They could not justify their white supremacist views and mistreatment of non-whites, with a Black Messiah on Calvary. The saviour of the world had to be made white. As a result of white supremacy conquering the world, everything good in the world and in Christianity was made white or associated with whiteness, while everything bad was made black or associated with blackness (look up black and white definitions in the oxford dictionary for evidence of this). The angels are white, Mary is white, the disciples are white, Moses is white, Jesus is white, and God is an old white man sitting on a throne in heaven. However, the devil is never white. He is always red, brown or black.

Today whites tell us that the color of Jesus does not matter. Then why did they change it? If he was a man that lived on this earth, what is wrong with being historically accurate? Can we change the color of Julius Cesar, or Alexander, to black and it be alright, or will it be all wrong? Why do they want us to keep living a lie, when they know it is impossible for Jesus to have been white, as he was neither Roman nor Greek? Neither he, nor his parents ever set foot in Europe. As it is also impossible for Moses to have been white, when he grew up in Pharaoh's palace. Why do they want us to keep looking at these false images, painted with ill motives. Images carry more power than words, and since they decided to doctor the original images, we must now critic these images that are worth a thousand words.

Black children growing up in this white-washed world, see all these positive images associated with whiteness and start hating their blackness. In adulthood, they try to bleach their skin and put on blond and/or straight hair and blue eyes (examples 1, 2, 3). This ideology cuts so deep, that even in an all black nation, the lighter one is, the better they are presumed to be. We managed to cast out this white supremacist demon out of politics, and put in black leaders. Today, we must take the final steps and cast this demon out of education, and most importantly, religion. We, black people, have the deepest and richest history of any people on the face of the earth, and it must be told today (examples 1, 2).

1 comment:

  1. Speaking to my grandmother a few months ago inspired me to write this piece. In 2010, she still believes that white people are superior to black people. When I asked her why she thought this, her main point of validation was, white people's technological advancement. After a quick over view of true Africa history, she realized the deception that had been imposed on her and black people all over the world through miseducation. Technology is actually a form of human regression, and requiring machinery to do what we used to do spiritually. Mind over matter. Technology manipulates matter, while spirituality manipulates the energy that forms matter. Some may call it magic or sorcery. Well, in that case Jesus and Moses were magicians.
