Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lion of Ta Meri - Our Time to Shine

Humanity needs to change course fast. We need a totally new vision and direction, to allow for the survival of this generation and the ones to come. Some reading this may say to themselves, "things are not so bad, I have a decent home, I have a decent car or means of movement, I have decent clothes, I am healthy, and so are my loved ones and if anything happens we can afford decent treatment, I received a decent education, I have a decent job," etc. Having these things delude some of us into thinking that we are somehow better than those who do not enjoy such. Things that can be taken away from us in the twinkling of an eye. The majority of the worlds population, however, do not enjoy the fruits of having a decent life. This economic model that the world is functioning on, will not allow for everyone to, at the very least, have access to a decent life. So you are right, things are not so bad, but only for you and a few other people. You might not see the countless of homeless and starving families, in that condition because a job was lost or could not be found. In some cases the government or their controllers, the banks, take peoples homes because certain payments were not forth coming. You might not hear of stories of loved ones dying because treatment was unaffordable. You might not see or hear of the amazing talent and potential that is wasting away in slums and ghettos. You cannot see or hear such things, and more, because your life is decent and you only go to decent places and hang around others with decent lives or better. You are not at fault for having a decent life, but you are at fault for forgetting your brothers and sisters who are suffering.

So who will change this? Some are waiting for a better government, some are waiting for a revolutionary leader and some are waiting for Christ. Some, however, have given up, and wish they would die. Sadly, the number of suicides resulting from indebted farmers, professionals, families, etc, who are losing everything, due to the inability to pay the bank or the landlord, is sharply rising world wide. Who will change this? The kingdoms of this earth have all failed in their duty to their people. This has been so since the ego of man took over the affairs of the body, suppressing the true self, the soul. The arrogant part of you suppressing the humble part of you. The greedy part of you suppressing the sharing and caring part of you. The more powerful people suppressing those with less power. The European, having gained fire power, decided to use it to rob other peoples of their wealth and land. They have never brought civilization anywhere on this entire earth. Technology is not civilization. Acting in a polite, courteous manner with other people is what civilized is. Every time the European set foot in Africa he was received in a very civilized manner. We cooked for them, gave them a place to lay their heads, traded with them, but as soon as they learned our ways they betrayed us and killed us wholesale. I say this not to stir up hate, but instead to create the foundation necessary to effectively reason out why Africa is in the condition that it is in today. If you are wealthy, you do not find it necessary to go around robbing people. The European has gone all over this earth robbing people of land and wealth. They do this because they are poor in terms of skilled labor resource and mineral resource. Africa is the richest continent on the planet, this is why we have been robbed the most, by all other peoples. It is well known that the people who control Africa's resources will be the wealthiest people on the earth. Who has had control over African mineral resources and its skilled labor of expert carpenters, masons, farmers, potters, weavers, fishermen, etc, for the last 400 years? The Europeans. Hence, they are the most wealthy and thus powerful group. When the Arabs had control over Africa from about the 7th century AD to the 15th century AD, they were the most wealthy and powerful group. They still have control of North Africa to this day. The Arabs in North Africa today were not there before the Muslim conquests which started in 639 AD. Just like in America, where the Europeans killed and overpopulated the Native Americans almost out of existence, the Arab has done the same in North Africa. But, if you go to Egypt, Morocco, Libya and Algeria, you can still find the dark skinned original people of those lands. They have a new religion, Islam, and new language, Arabic, but they are still Indigenous Africans, just like the Native Americans and sub-Saharan Africans have a new religion, Christianity, and a new language, English, but they are still Native Americans and Native Africans respectively. You have been totally conquered when your enemy changes, or brainwashes you to change your religion, dress, language, name, etc, into his. This is why they come with missionaries. Not because the care for you soul, but because they want your soul. So, for the colonizing process to be totally effective, it must be carried out on all three levels of physical, mental and spiritual.

But did Africa not get it's independence from European enslavement and colonialism a few years ago? What kind of independence is it when you still dress like the oppressor, speak the language of the oppressor, pray to the same deity as the oppressor, wear the same names as the oppressor, etc? And, would the Europeans willingly give up their source of power and wealth because of morality and ethics? Of course not. They just changed strategy. They were receiving too many casualties and spending too much money colonizing us in the open, so they tactically decided to create the illusion of withdrawal, while controlling the very same resources using spineless, puppet, hand picked African traitors. To control the human and mineral resources, all they have to do is control is the economy. They do that through debt they know we cannot pay back, but never the less force a leader into taking the loan from their European banking institutions (World Bank, IMF) which come with Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP), such as privatization, which are never in the interest of that nation (Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins, available at www.humanityunitedforum.com). The leader knows that the country will be perpetually indebted because of the high interest rate, and will inevitably have to sell off its resources to pay back the debt, but he is either afraid of assassination or does not care, as he get's his cut for accepting the loan, while the country is left with the burden of paying the high interest debt. The loan deals made by the older generation, based on greed or fear, on behalf of the younger generation, who will inevitably inherit the consequences of such deals, must be voided on grounds of fraud. It can be proven beyond any doubt that most of the money goes to Western multi-national corporations or their subsidiaries and the rest to a few selected families in the receiving nation. Close to nothing ever trickles down to benefit the public. Even if a small amount of money trickles down to benefit the public, the immorality of high interest rates gives these European institutions all their money back plus a lot extra. If you give me two dollars in public as aid, but behind closed doors you take back ten dollars, what's going to happen to me? It can also be empirically proven that the loans cause more harm than any supposed good. Any money used for infrastructure building, is many times to facilitate the extraction of raw materials and products produced with cheap labor.

So who is going to change this, and when!? Obama said it very well, "We are the change we have been waiting for." Christ said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". We are the ones to change this; the youth specifically, and we have to change it now. The older generation have done their best, and have created the environment necessary for the final part of our liberation struggle as Africa. They have fought for us to have access to learn the ways of the oppressor, not for us to then become the oppressor, as many of us have, but instead so that the oppressor may not be able to run his deceitful game on us anymore. We now have a generation of highly educated Africans, in the worst shape ever because we have become the oppressor. And, like the oppressor, we now do for ourselves, forgetting the community. This mentality is destroying our continent and is creating a generation with absolutely no assets whatsoever. The rich have bought everything of any worth, and kept it for themselves and the rest of us have to work for the rich to get a small piece to take to the landlords and merchants, which in many cases is the rich again.

Western economies are now falling because they no longer have the unrestricted, free access to labor and minerals they used to. There is little to no wealth in Europe or North America, and other than Germany, none of them produce anything of economic consequence. If they don't control areas of the world which have commodities of great economic consequence, how will they compete in this 21st century? They cannot compete. Their interests in Africa are not only for economic survival but also for physical survival, as most of the food consumed in the Western world is imported from Africa and South America. So who depends on who? Our role in this world can no longer be one of subservience, but has to be one of mutual respect.

If the present generation of young people do not organize and rise to take what is rightfully theirs, like their father's did in the 50s and 60s, they will end up dying with nothing to pass on to their children. If we all did a little, no one person would have to do much and we could change our situation and reality over night. IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Black Madonna - mirror of our confusion

The world is a mirror to our confusion;
our semi-awakeness, semi-delusion
In the day we're awake but in an illusion
In the night we're sleeping and living two lifetimes

Unconscious and yet fully conscious still
Asleep and yet never more awake.
Leaving and returning to this Galaxy at will.
Claiming our Freedom, then replacing the veil.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Black Madonna - who we are

Where do we begin, my friends,
when there is no beginning or end?
And how can we start a dialogue that has never stopped
One that has been going on for ever and ever?

For you and I are entwined in an eternal conversation.
One that has been ongoing for eons and eons, centuries and decades -
As we've navigated the seas of life together.

What I am about to say – you already know.
So why say it?

Because it must be said
For you and for myself.

The waves of change have carried us to a new shore of understanding.
One that demands that we put aside our petty differences
and stop focusing on what separates us and instead nurture those things that unite us.

A moment of reckoning lies ahead; a turning point for all of us, when each person must choose between unity and separation and then act accordingly.
Those who are weak will chose to remain divided and ultimately repeat the violent history of the recent past. They will re-invent the cycle of violence by destroying themselves and others who are like-minded. Those who are courageous enough to choose unity will be choosing life over death. For that is the importance of the decision that lies before us today, tomorrow and in the upcoming weeks and months as we approach this milestone in our existence as a country, a people and as the human race. This choice can be made at any moment. Some have already made their choice, others are sitting on the sidelines, hoping the world or circumstance will decide for them. But even failing to choose is a choice in itself – a choice to maintain the status quo. And the status quo is divide the masses so that few may reign.

The most important action you can take today is to make a choice.
Decide for yourself today, whether you will support unity or separation and let your choice determine the actions you take moving forward.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Lion of Ta Meri- What Independence?


“We would all rather hear the truth, even if it hurts our feeling, rather than to live a lie at the expense of our feelings.”

One is either independent or dependent. There is no in between! We cannot live free dignified lives, with peace of mind, while being dependent. There can be no peace of mind if your source of food and shelter is not secure. Many of us who have degrees and jobs, think we are independent. Independence is defined as “the fact of not relying or depending on another; and exemption from external control or support” (oxford). To rely and depend on an individual to give us a job, and relying and depending on it for money; To rely and depend on the local market to be open, and to take your money and give you food, are all acts of dependency. A human being’s primary and essential needs for life support and for a dignified life with peace of mind are, air, water, food, shelter and clothing. Now that you have money generated by the job, you can now get water, food, shelter and clothing. You are now dependent on another entity to support you with funds at the end of the month for you to be able to acquire these essentials of life. What happens when the boss decides to fire you? Is another job guaranteed? This dependency cuts your tongue and is a form of self censorship as you are always afraid to speak your mind for fear of losing what you depend on for money, to acquire the essentials of life. You become a slave to your boss or career, as the job takes care of you and many times others too. Therefore, your boss is now in an exalted position, able to dictate your behavior and when you come and go. We comfort ourselves by saying, we can leave anytime we want, so therefore, we cannot be truly dependent. But as we said from the onset, there is no in-between. The reality of dependency becomes more evident the longer you stay in that job and the older you get. After so many years at that particular job and at a certain age range you become less ready to start afresh, so you start compromising more and more of your true hearts desire in order to stay comfortable (i.e. have peace of mind) by keeping the checks coming. Many of us hate the jobs or careers (plantations) we have, but because we are slaves, full of fear, we are afraid to leave the plantation and the slave master/boss who feeds us. Self employment is a way out of such predicaments that threaten your integrity, principles and peace of mind, but even this is a form of dependency as you are now completely dependent on customers to come and spend their money with you. The customer is now also exalted. What happens to feeding your family, when, like in America, the customer/consumer is broke and stops showing up because they are now trying to save every penny, for fear of losing their job, as they see lay offs going on all around them? Doctors today depend on patients in order to eat and have shelter. How can you trust such a situation? It is the self employed people and governments doing the laying off, which is a double edged sword, as the more people are laid off, the fewer customers there are to come and buy your product or service, spelling less tax revenue for the government. One laid off person removes, sometimes, up to four people from the customer/consumer base, as a laid off father might be supporting his wife and two children who are customers for someone. This laying off therefore exacerbates the problem and has a domino effect.

Leaving out the dependency on the boss and customer for a while, we are also dependent on the suppliers of food, water, clothes and shelter as we cannot eat, drink, wear or live in the money which we have received. During post election violence, people with money could not secure food for themselves or their families, as most, if not all markets were closed, and those that risked their lives to make money, took advantage of the situation to charge triple the normal price. Our dependency on others to supply us with the essentials of life, puts our lives at the whim and control of others. The main reason for this lack of supply and any future such predicament, is rooted in the foundation of our profit driven supply system. Once the possibility of loss outweighs the possibility of profit, the supply chain stops. The suppliers, of all markets, big or small, do not supply out of a sense of responsibility but instead, out of a selfish need (which has been bred into all of us through a capitalist education) to make money and profits. The largest threat to the supply chain today, before the 2012 elections, is the global economic crises. As people are laid off and cut back on many goods and services, the situation will continue to deteriorate and the supply chain for all goods and services will be in trouble. In Kenya, our main industries, tourism and horticulture, have been severely affected and have had substantial declines in revenue as a result, and the economic crises is only in the beginning stages and is about to intensify dramatically in 2010 and 2011, when the millions of lost jobs start posting their effects. When you are living through the events of your life on a day to day basis, it is sometimes hard to know whether you are witnessing a historic turning point in the life of the planet or just mistaking the noise of global politics as usual. The government/tax payer bailouts by the developed countries have artificially maintained the supply chains by taking the place of the customer, but this is the equivalent to putting a bandage on a cancer patient and saying you have done your best and that the patient should improve. This capitalist system must be completely and totally removed and replaced with a sustainable economic model that does not suck the blood out of our mother earth and the poor, as evidenced by corporations jumping from one poor nation to another to take advantage of the poverty to maximize their profits. These bailouts, however, do not address the root cause of the global recession, which is, stagnated and declining wages compared to the ever rising cost of living world wide. The cost of living in developed countries got so high that people could not keep buying luxury items and started cutting back, causing many shops to lay off or shut down. Soon after, paying their bills to the banks became impossible and finally stopped, and therefore banks started posting gigantic losses. The customers/consumers who are completely tapped out, with the wife working, kids working, credit cards maxed out, loans taken, refinanced homes to remove equity, have now been left completely naked. Peoples’ homes have been foreclosed, cars repossessed and jobs vanished, and they are now totally dependent on the government. Millions of people in America and Europe with degrees, are now unemployed and are looking to the government for food and shelter; This is the beginnings of tyranny (Hitler would love this model). These are grown men and women, now totally dependent on the government for life’s basics. What has all that education benefited them? Or did the education serve its true intended purpose, of making the elite corporate owners even richer? This seems to be the case as CEO and executive salaries have increased over 400% since the 1970’s, but labor wages have only increased 30-40% in the same period (if adjusted for inflation, labor wages would have declined). In this same period productivity has also increased by 300-400%. So, we can clearly see that the increase in revenue, generated by the increase in productivity, has only benefited the elite. The wealth horded and controlled by the elite of this current 300-400 year civilization have greatly surpassed those of all prior civilizations put together. This is evidenced by the highest levels of poverty and hopelessness ever experienced on the planet. 3 billion people struggle to survive on less than Ksh 140 a day, and over 1 billion of them trying to feed themselves with Ksh 70.

How did we, in Africa get to this point of dependency, especially for food!? Our ancestors must be turning in their graves and must think we have gone completely insane. How can it be, that Africans, who have been self sufficient for thousands of years, dealing with droughts and floods, are now starving on the richest soil on the planet? Well, this question is very easy to answer. What has changed from the time when our ancestors were on the planet? A new system of living has been imposed on Africans by Europeans, and today we find some of us (i.e. the few rich that are benefiting) embracing this new system. The European system (due to the climatic factors of its place of origin) is based on scarcity, while the African system is based on abundance (this is the reality in Africa with its abundant resources). When you enslave and colonize a people, you don’t just enslave them or colonize them physically and politically, you must also enslave and colonize them academically, socially, economically, mentally and spiritually. If you do not, then the enslavement and colonization will not be effective or long lasting. Anything and everything the European established in Africa and the rest of the world, has as its fundamental function the perpetuation of European rule over the darker people/nations of the world. An example; If an African in Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, etc, wants to reclaim ancestral land which was stolen and annexed by Europeans, they have to go through the legal system established by Europeans, while Europeans themselves did not bother to follow any legalities when they invaded Africa and took the land by force. Using the invader’s version and form of Christianity, has us spiritually enslaved and colonized. This is the eventuality when your enemy becomes your deity. In 1505, Pope Julius II commissioned Michael Angelo to paint all the characters of the bible from black to white. Trying to achieve freedom and independence by using the oppressor’s social, judicial and governmental systems will always prove to be an exercise in futility. Using the oppressor’s education and economic systems to try and attain that ever elusive good life, will always prove futile. The irrefutable proof that this is so, is the condition in which Africa is in after all these years of so called “independence”. We have gone in and out, up and down, and all around the oppressors education system, but look at us. I think it was more of an independence from European outright rule, but not independence from oppression and exploitation. But nations that rejected the oppressor and their ways, and went back to their native systems, as much as possible, as the foundation of independence, such as India and China, are now power houses to be respected. We in Africa expelled the invaders but kept all their systems intact, only for our own African kin to now oppress us. Today, an African born in Kenya must apply and pay for a passport and visa to travel to another African nation created by Europeans in 1885 in Berlin. We have no freedom of movement within our own continent. While a European/American has more freedom of movement within Africa as they get the visas on arrival. An African has to show bank records and all kinds of documents and many times go through a humiliating interview to just visit America or Europe. It almost looks like we are the ones who enslaved and colonized them. How can we call ourselves free!?

What was wrong with our systems? Africans had completely democratic social systems long before the Greeks, Romans and Karl Marx ever thought of democracy or socialism. Africans had a fair and open judicial system long before even a Europe was established. We Africans had an economic system that traded with Arabs, Indians and people in the far east, centuries before any European got involved. Africans had universities long before Europeans new what one was. Our academic systems produced scholars of which the Europeans, Asians and Semites came to learn from. Why can’t we enjoy the benefits of the technology of this civilization, without adopt with it, its values, principles and social systems? Children in Africa received their first education from the family and community. Teaching the child anything else, before teaching them how to directly feed, shelter and cloth themselves, they new was condemning your child to a life of dependency, and as we said before, money is just a means to an end and having it does not guarantee independence. An argument can also be made, that the more money one has, the more dependent they are likely to be, as, you now have others do everything for you. When such a person losses all their money, the level of dependency is made clear as they now have to cook, clean, drive, etc, for themselves and many times the transition is not easy. We, in Africa, had a system that ensured, when we passed on, that we left our children with food, shelter and clothing, which did not depend on having money. Leaving your child with money or a degree which qualifies them for a certain job or to create a certain business does not directly feed, shelter or cloth them. Degrees are also just another means to an end. We are supposed to go through the European “education” system to get a good degree, which is supposed to be for getting a good job, to get good money, to buy good food, shelter and clothing. Taking the long way of dependency only to get what we had all along. Having been taught the knowledge of how to independently feed, shelter and clothe themselves, they were then taught their true history and spirituality which carried within it the knowledge of God, values, principles, integrity and truthfulness essential in creating a truly free and independent person. Today, the schools are being entrusted with performing almost all of the functions of the parents, while the parents are busy trying to amass material wealth and luxury item, as this is the life the European system has sold to them, that is supposedly dignified for a “civilized” person. While the rural life and farming, fishing or herding is looked at as primitive. So here we are now in the cities, towns and developed countries, working from sunrise to sunset, stressed, depressed, sick, fatigued, indebt, poor, full of fear, never having enough and at the mercy of the ups and downs of the “free” market economy. Schools and universities should NOT be the ones entrusted to teach any child how to feed, shelter and clothe itself. This is the responsibility of the parents. Schools and universities should only be there to expand the mind and consciousness of the child, in order to help them discover their gifts. The gifts are used to increase wealth, but not as something one is dependent on to eat. So, I ask again, what was wrong with our systems? The answer is they were fair! This evidently could not work for a people (Europeans) who were hell bent on treating us unfairly. So, all our systems were systematically destroyed and ridiculed, in order to make room for and facilitate the establishment of the European exploitation system, which we are still using to this day. Their systems, which are based on inequity, are collapsing before our very eyes and the perceived problem with this, is that too many people today have become totally dependent on these European systems, so many will suffer in the inevitable collapse. Any system built on inequity will self destruct as it is completely unsustainable. One side gets too heavy and the system topples itself over. What benefits have the European systems brought us? Are we, today, producing better, freer and more independent African men and women than we used to? Is Africa in better shape? Why is it that all over sudden we now have jails and prisons all over the continent, when we did not even need one with our system. What creates the desperation, within men and women, needed to commit crime? Is it the absence of independence, freedom and therefore dignity and peace of mind? This is the root cause of almost all crime. We also now have, all over sudden, mass famine, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, inequality, injustice, rapes, orphans, prostitutes, drugs, high immorality, abortions, landlessness, etc. These and more all came with the European systems. We did not have any of this in Africa until invaders changed our original systems, thus changing our way of life. We now eat like the oppressor and are therefore catching many of their diseases along with those they brought from Europe. The Europeans and their systems have created such high inequity and imbalance, they are literally destroying the earth and everything above it, in it and on it, us Africans included. Every living system on earth is in decline; every life support system of the earth is in decline; these together constitute the biosphere. The same biosphere that supports and nurtures all of life on earth (over 30 million species). Who is responsible? Their own systems will end up destroying them. This is the nature of a parasite. We Africans are the original people of the earth, and we are a part of her and her a part of us. So if mother earth suffers, we suffer, and no other people on the face of this planet have suffered and continue to suffer more than black people. Whatever the country you find us in, we are at the bottom. Look at us, the creators of civilization i.e. Egypt (called kemet by the Africans that established it); what has happened to us? We now work all day, or all night, or both, and end up with nothing to show for all that time and energy spent. No time for yourself, your spouse or children any more. We are drunks and drug addicts now (illegal and legal drugs). What kind of world is this to live in? But, if you want to go to the countryside and live an independent dignified life you are looked down on, but, on the other hand , if you are rich, exploiting people one way or another, people look up to you. Land in the only place from which we can independently get food. Fruits and vegetables all come from land, and are what our Creator instructed us to eat for food. Even if you herd animals, they need grass which grows on land. Therefore, to deny a human being land is to deny them life and the European system (specifically the British system) is the first and only system to ever create a situation where individuals own land, and exported this mentality as they conquered. All other indigenous system, all over the earth, lived according to the belief that people belonged to the land and not the land belonging to people, as we are all born and find the land here and die and leave it here. The best rule of thumb to follow is and was, if you did not create it, you cannot own it. Every creature on earth has to labor, one way or another for its food, and this labor is what makes it independent. Therefore, no human being or creature can ever forfeit their right to land, for every living body belongs to the earth and needs her for life support, and when we die we all return back to the earth. Our souls belong to the Creator and return to the Source. He who feeds you is your master. That’s why the best thing to use to train any creature, to do what you want, is food. So those who think they are free because they have money; money has become your master. And since we cannot produce money (it is a monopoly controlled by the CBK), our bosses become our masters because they are our source of money, which we need to buy food when you do not have land.

In a system where you have your own land, and therefore your own source of food, shelter and clothing, and the people are spiritually driven rather than materially driven, which was the case in Africa before the invaders came, the people then don’t have to and don’t put up with a job or career which they do not love. They now have the freedom and independence to do what they love, which is the only way of expressing the gifts the Creator has put within. Imagine for a minute, how many Imhoteps, Miriam Makebas, Michael Jacksons, Davincis, Beethovens, etc, there are, stuck, not only in slums and ghettos, but also in schools and universities, jobs and careers. Why can’t we have both food and shelter independence and still be an architect, doctor, lawyer, or whatever you love and want to do? Why does food and shelter independence have to be sacrificed for a career or profession, that many times you hate or is stressful?

“Black people all over the planet must be willing to start over and replace Eurocentric and Western values. Our children for the moment have been effectively lost. They are caught up in the trappings of an immoral and aimless Western culture. We give them very little to look up to of essential value and consequently we are losing their respect. Our guidance and leadership have been replaced with misguided sex, violence, murder, alcohol, drugs and TV. We have abandoned the traditional morals, values and spiritual culture of our ancestors which made them so successful.” Kes Kesu

The older generation of revolutionaries cannot effectively bring change, as they too, have interests tied to the status quo. It is, therefore, left for the children to lead the world to the promised land.

The only true master is God Almighty. Never, ever, put yourself underneath another human being, no matter what race, class, tribe, etc. You were created to subdue everything, except another human being.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Lion of Ta Meri- The System

Proverbs 3:31 (King James Version)
"Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways."

Brothers and sisters, we, the people, are the energy that fuel this engine and system of oppression and suppression. We give our power, by ballot every four years, to people and a capitalist system that do not have, and will never have poor people’s interests at heart. What is the difference between the colonial government and our current and previous governments? Other than skin color there is no difference. We are still being oppressed and murdered in the same ruthless manner. We must therefore understand that the oppressor is always a small elite group that manages to exist by keeping the masses of oppressed people divided tribally, racially or religiously and fighting amongst each other. They also exist through the use of force, and when the people are united they emphasize some foreign threat to divert attention from themselves. This elite group has no tribe or race or religion. You can be oppressed by a member of your own tribe and race and religion, as the elite only recognize their family and other elites.

These people, elites and elite servants, are self centered liars and thieves who prey on people’s naivety and goodwill. The colonialists left only on the condition that their political and economic system of exploitation would not be changed so that they could maintain their grip on our national resources may they be mineral, agricultural or labour. Our so called "leaders" were more than happy to maintain these systems as it guaranteed to make them rich and powerful just like the colonialists. Now they tell us that if we work hard enough we can make a better life for ourselves. When in reality, our hard work just makes them and "former" colonialists rich while we languish in stark poverty. Years later, what benefits for the whole has this so called independence brought? Do you now have land that you can call your own? Who owns these large expanses of land? Why is land unaffordable to people who were born on this land? Are we freer now than when we were colonized? Are we oppressed any less? Where is that better life today? Is it easier to attain or is it harder than ever before? Who, in this country, works harder than the regular everyday people? What do you get for your hard work, year after year after year? Do you get cheaper goods? Do you get a raise commensurate with the high cost of living? Does the Government provide relief for you, as they promise every election year? We have been fed false hopes and dreams.

If we define poor as not being able to have the basics of food, shelter and clothing, then it is a fact that there are more poor people on the planet today than ever before in history. When at the same time, the elite have never been richer than they are today in any time in history. The disparity between the rich and poor is growing larger in every country. They tell us of economies growing world wide every year; but who is it growing for? It must be growing for the rich as there are more and more people falling into poverty every year. As it grows for them it shrinks for others. Famine is now lurking in so called "third world countries"; this is at a time when food production is at an all time high globally, largely due to technological advancements. The only thing that stands between the hungry and the food is a need for the producer and supplier to make a profit. This is what makes the food unaffordable and unattainable to the poor. They export the food to regions and countries where they can be paid these ridiculous prices and the poor are told that there is a shortage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where is the government in all of this?

The Government is absent yet again and only show themselves when dissent on their incompetence is voiced. They come out with violence in retaliation to people seeking justice. They attack truth with viciousness and complete lack of empathy. They bring out the elite system's guards and protectors i.e. the police, secret service, army personnel, etc. to quell the hungry and landless majority. These officers are not here to protect regular people, but instead, they are here to keep the people who have too much safe from those who do not have anything. This is what Capitalism breeds. Socialism and Communism, with an unscrupulous Government that owns everything instead of the people, is just as bad if not worse. People elected into Government are supposed to be servants of those who elected them, not rulers! What kind of servants are these who arrange for themselves exuberant salaries that the ordinary people, who they work for, could never attain. They spend taxpayer money on the most expensive cars in the market, while the people walk to save for bread. Where is the humanity, empathy and brotherhood?

The inhumanity of unaffordable food prices needs to be addressed. The inhumanity in land allocation and prices needs to be corrected. The inhumanity of poor people having no access to a good education is unacceptable. The inhumanity of poor people having no clothes and no shelter in this day is shameful and must be changed. There is a complete lack of morality and ethics in the system. These are direct symptoms of capitalism, and the need to make a profit by any means necessary, that is if you want to stay in business. We know, in economics that scarcity drives prices up. Therefore, as a small group of people have more and more land for themselves, there is less land available to the masses and the price of land goes up. As this small group hoards more and more money in their banks, there is less and less in circulation for the masses. If more money is printed, with no asset value or growth attached to it, to keep money circulating, then we have inflation and prices go up. A meltdown or depression, which is inevitable in this system, occurs when over 80% of money and assets is concentrated in 10% or less of the population. The other side of the equation, of some people having too much, needs to be addressed and recognized as it will, mathematically, without fail, cause others to have too little. These so called "leaders" admit that there is an under privileged group, but that only means that there is an OVER privileged group as well. This is just common sense. But do we ever hear any mention of an over privileged group?

For any society as a whole to flourish you must have cooperation rather than competition, brotherhood and reciprocity rather than individualism and selfishness, sharing of land and resources rather than hoarding and accumulating more than one could ever use in 100 life times. None of these positive aspects can ever work in a capitalist system; you would absolutely go out of business. Capitalism is an individualistic, competitive system, not a society or community oriented system. The individual is encouraged to amass as much as he or she can in money and assets, such as land, and is praised and highly recognized for doing so. This, naturally, has to cause a shortage and hence poverty for the majority as these things are not infinite. This is basic economics. So in developed countries they created a welfare system for these unfortunate under privileged people so that they would not revolt against the system. The welfare, also, is not infinite and once it runs out, these unfortunate people are dumped on the street with nothing. They turn to crime as a last resort to get some food on the table if they still have a table. That is exactly why America, the mother of capitalism, has the most people in prison, the most people with no land, and the most people addicted to alcohol and drugs, the most crime, etc. The hopelessness of their lives makes them turn to alcohol, drugs and finally crime to take what they need by force. In developing countries we do not have a welfare system, so you find more revolts and more crime as a result of this hopelessness, as people are not just going to lie down and die quietly as the government and elites would like.

Therefore capitalism creates poverty and high poverty creates high crime. Poverty and crime are directly related, any economists will tell you this. The high crime, due to high poverty, creates a need for a police force to protect those that have from those that do not have. Hence, the police are not here to protect people per say, but instead, are here to keep the poor in check. We never had such high crime in Africa until we adopted this European system. We never had jails in Africa until we adopted this European system. We never had so many people going without food or landlessness in Africa until we adopted this European system. Capitalism is synonymous with making profits and corruption is also synonymous with making profits. Therefore, corruption is built into the system itself and to get rid of corruption you must either have saints running the system, or get rid of this system. But since there are no saints here on earth, let’s get rid of the system. The only reason, again, our so called “leaders”, and elites have adopted and maintained this destructive system is because it guarantees them riches and power and thus puts them over and above the masses. Corruption is only one symptom of many, of a much larger disease called capitalism. We will be arguing about corruption for the rest of our lives if we do not realize that the foundation of the problem is this profit oriented capitalist system. Impunity is a disregard to law and order. It is yet another symptom of this system as only people with money are able to exercise impunity, thinking they are above the law. They think they can buy themselves out of any situation, and in this system they are often able to. Poor people on the other hand think long and hard of the consequences and often only break the law out of shear desperation.

The system, therefore, has to be changed if we are to survive as a nation and in the larger picture, as a planet. This system is destroying lives and also destroying the planet. We need a humanistic system that is devoted to the needs of every human being first and foremost and not to making profits. We need a system that promotes the interests of the society and the community and not that of a select few individuals. We need to look back in our rich African history and realize that we had a system that served everybody. We had a system that never left anybody out. This system was community based and enabled African Kingdoms to flourish for thousands of years, while these European systems go into recessions every decade and have a life span of less than a few hundred years before they completely self destruct as is happening today. The US, which has experienced over 14 recessions in less than 100 years, and has millions of Americans excluded from the “American dream”, is who we are trying to emulate. The elite are never going to accept an all inclusive system as they would have to give up their wealth and therefore power. They did not do it in the days of Moses nor in the days of Christ and neither in the days of Mohammad, but instead, the elite persecuted these great men for their message of brotherhood. The more you have, the more you will have to give up for the greater good of all. Money and wealth always concentrates where the power is. The people have no power so they have no money or wealth. Capitalism should be called just what it is; elitism.

It is clear that people, globally, have been failed by their governments, who almost all follow the same capitalist, top down system. If a spouse or a friend had failed you as much as these governments have, common sense would have had you dump them a long time ago. Let us use that same common sense with our relationship with these dysfunctional governments. We do not want any unnecessary bloodshed, so we are not advocating an overthrow of governments. We are just not going to recognize them anymore. Let's us use this abundant energy in the youth to create a new reality for our children and their children. No need to waste energy marching or protesting as this never achieved anything except give them recognition. We should instead unite with one voice, regardless of tribe, religion, race or class and completely seize to recognize this evil, corrupt institution. We need to stop attending government functions, stop complying with their orders and stop paying taxes. This government is busy stealing money from us while babies and women are dying of hunger. This lack of compassion for our most precious, helpless citizens is completely unacceptable. These oppressors have devilishly divided us, the oppressed masses, into tribal and racial groups and we are now busy fighting each other because one poor man is of the Kikuyu tribe and I am Luo or he is white and I'm black, but we are all poor. We are also all human beings. To the men in uniform, i.e. police, military, etc., do not let these rich people set you against poor people with tear gas, batons and some times gun fire as if you do not have a mind of your own. Some of you are just as poor if not more and after the elite are done using you, is your life any better? You should instead join the struggle and stop these elites from using you like guard dogs. You are humans beings too, who deserve respect like the rest of us, and these elite do not respect you anymore than they respect us.

These governments do NOT, and are NOT supposed to give us any rights. They should only protect those rights that we as human beings are born with automatically. We as human beings are born with inalienable rights, given to us by God, Allah, Jehovah or whatever you call the Creator, which governments take from us. We are born free like any other creature on this planet; it is soulless people who enslave us politically and economically. Owning land is a prerequisite to freedom; not renting. He who is in debt is a slave to the debtor. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and nothing gives one more independence and security than completely owning their own piece of land. This earth is all ours, not for a few rich people. We must take it back peacefully. We will do this from the bottom up, and do things for ourselves and not look to these outdated, self centered elites to do it for us. We are going to bring about a transformation in the world. Those who choose to remain stuck will be held back. This is their choice and we must honor that choice. Those of us who choose to move to a new reality and capture the truth for ourselves and honor the truth of others, will find that a new peace will flow within us. Let us completely stop honoring lies and liars. We are going to work out of love, not fear or anger. Governments thrives on fear and anger, but they cannot control love. Love causes them to back away, as it conflicts with their nature. Evil comes from the desire of individuals or groups to dominate others. We are tired of being dominated by these wealthy groups, who only care for themselves.

There is responsibility to be assumed on both sides, that is, the government and the people, for this horrible situation we find ourselves in. We already know of the government’s great responsibility to bear from all the lies, murders and thievery they have committed. We the people also have some responsibility to bear because we elected this government and completely endorsed and validated the system by voting. These so called "leaders" did not fall out of the sky into these high positions, we elected them. We, in Kenya, elected a president who was part of one of the most ruthless dictatorships in Africa. What did we honestly expect? Only a crazy person keeps doing the same thing and expects different results. No one from the Moi regime should ever be allowed into public office. They should all be investigated for participating or being complacent in crimes against humanity. If you know a crime is going on and you look the other way and don't make an attempt to stop it, then you are just as guilty as the criminal. All nations' power lies in the people. We have the power to come together and put these people in office and we have the power to remove them from office by coming together again. The time has come for us to take on this responsibility and make the necessary sacrifices to put back control of the nation and its resources back in the hands of the people, where it rightfully belongs. Not the hands of the elite. We should all enjoy being Africans, therefore, we should all benefit from this continent's wealth. To change our current situation, we are going to have to sacrifice today in order to enjoy tomorrow. Think of the children and the kind of hopeless future they are going to have if we let these so called "leaders" keep stealing from the continent with impunity and lying to us. A wise man once said that the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.

We need reform, and like every solid structure it must start from the bottom up. The state is a reflection of the communities, and the communities are a reflection of the families in them. Therefore the family is the smallest version of a government and the reform needs to start there. If there is secrecy, lies, neglect, violence, etc, in the family, these vices will leak into the community and finally into the state. So the country is merely a reflection of the family unity. Everything we despise about our country, we have let happen in our homes and our lives. We must therefore clean ourselves up and clean up the home first. Once the individual is on a righteous path, the family will be on that same path and then the community and then the state. We are hypocrites when we want an honest government when we ourselves lie to each other and steal from each other.

We are all leaders; we lead our families and together we give each other direction for the community and the nation. When we stop following and start leading, we will lead ourselves out of this miserable existence that we are in today. We have been following others for too long and it has not gotten us anywhere. With direction you do not have to follow anyone. The only entity we should be following is the Almighty Creator. The elite want us to follow them so they can tell us what to do. This is the new form of slavery we find ourselves in today. They are the slave masters and we must ask them for everything, from food, to jobs, to shelter. The so called middle class is more enslaved than the poor. This is because most of them are complete dependent on the state and corporations to provide jobs for them so they can earn money for food and shelter. We now have grown men and women begging for food and jobs form those we have been following. If you had direction you would produce your own food and create a job for yourself. The days of relying on others to produce food for you are coming to an end. This economic crisis is going to devalue all currencies and end this monetary system and over dependence, where the elite benefit and the masses are the losers. Over dependence, created by globalization, is the main cause of this crisis. People are going to have to become self reliant again, and this is going to help us break our dependence on the elite. We are all going to have to go back to farming and producing for ourselves if we want to survive what is coming. This is going to be painful for some but it will empower us in the end. The city life as we know it is going to be a thing of the past. Money is an illusion and no amount of money is going to help you. Rioting, looting, stealing and protesting will not help either. The only thing that is going to help us is going back to creating and producing for ourselves and sharing with others.

In conclusion, we must change the system and vow never to be dependent on others again. We were not created to beg or depend on anyone for anything. Our education system, which serves the elite, has not taught us to be independent and to create for ourselves. It has only taught us to be good workers and to make money for the elite. The coming crisis is going to push us in the right direction, towards self reliance, but that is only the first step. It is also going to unite us, as money is what separates us. When money will not be worth anything anymore we will realize how similar we all are. We are a community based people and the various communities are going to have to come together and unite to form a new stronger nation. We must come out of this producing enough food for the entire nation. We must come out of this owning our natural resources. We must come out of this with free education, free land, free health care and energy independence for all Africans and peoples of the earth. This is the direction we must all move towards if we are to come out of this in better shape than we are. We Africans are not poor; we are the wealthiest people on the planet. You cannot steal from one who has nothing, and the elite, whether European, American, African, or Asian, have been stealing our gold, oil, diamonds, etc., for a very long time. We must therefore reclaim our wealth and determine our own future. To get involved or for more information please contact us at info@humanityunitedforum.com Thank you and peace be unto all of you.

Isis- Bettter Life?

Why is it that we spend all our lives in the perpetual pursuit of its betterment? Does it not strike you as odd that as a result we only end up with lives plagued by stress struggle disappointment and not much( for the majority of the population) in the bank account to help us get through it all. What really drove us to such insanity?? Why could we not be content with simply living for the enjoyment of life? A simple appreciation of the people around us or the "roses" per se. It only proves my point that most people reading this will find the mere suggesting of a life of such simplicity utterly ludicrous.
At what point in history did man decide that a large accumulation of paper or rocks and minerals is worth a ridiculous amount of effort which in the end does not produce an equivalent reward? I am aware that an enormous input of thought and reasoning went into the development of the economic system but i am also aware of the increasing proportion of the population who are dying or suffering from disorders whose causes have in common the difficulties that result from the economic system.

Einstein argued that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So far the only reaction majority of this population have experienced is a bank account in the red and heart attacks, cancer and a myriad of other stress fatigue "work" related diseases. It suffices to say then that not every action performed at the workplace results in a positive reward as we have all negligently been led to believe. We are however reminded of this fallacy every month of the year( in the form of paychecks and wages) yet we still continue to follow the same beaten path towards debt and unfulfilled life.
What is the point in working so enormously hard to achieve economic stability or even freedom with the knowledge of the futility of your current actions and future plans of actions. Simply put many people believe they will achieve "success" if they work harder at what they are doing now rather than put less effort in work and focus more attention and resources towards a more successful vehicle for their supposed "success." In the end people sacrifice rest, nutrition, and in effect the privilege of living their lives all in the perpetually vain attempt of bettering the already perfect life with which they started.
At a young age most of us are lucky enough to have been showered with love joy and appreciation which we more than happy to receive and share. These three vital aspects of life are almost always pushed to the way side in preference of achievement. IS it not so hard to realize that the times when we have all for the most part been happiest is when we are receiving and equally giving love joy and appreciation to others. If the betterment of life is the enabling of a more comfortable and enjoyable life then would it not fit that we should all aspire to give and receive equal amounts of love joy and appreciation to fully achieve that goal? If Einstein's theory has worked so perfectly for physics i believe its application to the wider imbalance of our lives is appropriate.

Isis- You Are

You are the perfection this world seeks yet I have found.
You are every joyful thought, feeling and experience.
You are the rain that came after the drought and resuscitated my nature.
You are the sun that bejewels the oceans, makes the flowers smile and caresses my skin with such exquisite warmth.
You are the mountains in the horizon, humbling men yet inspiring such courage and strength.
You are the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams, always playful and inviting, the giver of life and the shaper of creation.
You are the clouds on a warm summer afternoon, a slide-show of God’s infinite imagination.
You are the missing piece in the puzzle of my life.
You are the smile that chases sadness from my being.
You are the answer to every question I’ve ever asked myself.
You are the physical manifestation of the love in my heart, my mind and my soul.
You are the continuation of the story of my life.
You are love.
You are life.
You are joy.
You are….me.

Isis- Cry

Hello there.
Do you see me?
Do you really?
What do I look like?
Beautiful you say?!
Do not lie to me!
Tell me what you see and for the love of God be honest!

You say you see courage?
Strength in my eyes?
Are you a mad man seeing that which is not?!
I asked only for you to be truthful!
Do not try to fool me with your charm!
I am most certainly not captivating!!

Why do you insist on these lies?
You do not even know who I am!
What motives would posses you to torment me so?
Am I so wretched that you feel you must lie to soothe my pride?
Please sir, tell me what you really see.

Kind and generous?! Preposterous!!
Loving and joyful?! I am having no more of this!
I am most certainly not funny!
Why do you insist on this confidence as you call it?!
Intelligent?! Sir I am no more wise than the boy on the street!

Dear God is there no one who sees me as I really am?!
Why does no one see the ugliness that fills each pore of my being?
Why does no one see the bottomless depths of my sadness?
Why does no one see the evil that burns in my eyes?
Why does no one hear the venom with which I speak?
Why does no one see the ocean of tears that threatens to drown the universe?
Why does no one see the gaping hole in my heart for which there is no salvation?
Why does no one feel the pain radiating from my soul?
Why does no one see the anguish that each lie threatens to suffocate me with?

Dear God what is wrong with this world?!
Dear God when will they see the turmoil within?
Dear God could it be me who is wrong?
How can I not see myself as I am?
What are these people who can see what I cannot?
Dear God am I going mad?
Have I finally departed from sanity?
Have I finally escaped the weight of the struggle?

How is it that I am two people at once yet each is as real seeming as the other?
Dear God you are the only one who sees me as I truly am.
Please divine unto me an answer for I fear death may come for me prematurely.
Till then I will remain here on the throne they have shackled me to with their lies.
Hurry, I fear my tears may flood your oceans and engulf the world in my anguish.

Isis- Questions

So many questions!
Questions whose answers tease me with their simplicity!
Questions which come from places within that I cannot fathom yet are familiar to my heart.
Questions which seem to multiply each time one is answered.
Questions which seem to threaten the very fabric of the realm in which I reside.
Questions which seem answered before they are posed yet drive me to the brink of sanity whenever I try to reach for the illusory answer.

I am told questions asked and answered help us grow but I am forced to ask again what if the answer remains non-existent?
What then becomes of she who asks?
Will I suffer a slow a death as my mind wears itself to nothing in the vain attempt to devise an answer?

You see these questions do not seem to propel themselves any further than the confines of my being. and seem to torture me with their multitude.
Each question is aimed at me with the precision and malice of a missile.
Each question seems to take pleasure in the destruction effected on my mind.

What to do when I am the one who appears to be causing the problem?
I fear I am caught in an inescapable vicious cycle for who can save me from myself?
I find myself praying that maybe I am diseased and I may be able to seek refuge in a hospital where doctors can administer mind numbing drugs.
I fear again that this is yet another vain reach for the impossible as these questions appear to be a dialogue between my heart and my soul to which my mind is not privy!!

The noise is steadily becoming more deafening than the day before!
There is no rest for my mind in my sleep.
These questions are as babies who cry in the night to be tended to.
They will not leave me alone!!
Always they are with me!
They cling to my conscious with a life sapping grip and exhaust each thought for any semblance of an answer.
I fear to think as these questions appear from nowhere to scrutinize myself and my new creation.
They taunt me as though they know me while demanding I answer them!

Why?! Why am i constantly harassed?
I fear I may go mad from the lack of privacy.
Always they are with me!
Even when I am able to suppress them I know they are struggling to break to the surface from the depths of my subconscious.
When will I find peace?!
Only one answer seems to follow me wherever I go.
I must accept these questions as part of me.
Only when I stop fighting against their implications will I rob them of their potency.
Only when I welcome them to me will they lose interest in tormenting me so.
Only when I accept the answer that arrived with each question will they finally dissolve.

But how do I accept the cause of all my torment?
How can I accept she who is responsible for the destruction of my home?
How can I accept she who relishes in my anguish?
How can I accept she who saved me?
How can I accept myself?
I ask you to rescue me… Please?

Isis- Soulmate

So you want me?
Let me guess.
You wanna know what my silky smooth skin feels like?
What it tastes like?
You wanna touch it, kiss it, lick it, smell it, suck every single bronze inch of it?
Am I right so far?

You wanna feel my luscious lips on your lips.
You wanna grip my breasts and feel my nipples rise to touch you.
You wanna rub your hands on my booty and you wanna know what it feels like to squeeze my thickness.
You wanna hold me close to you and feel my sex on your sex.
Am I getting closer?

You wanna slip your fingers into my pantyless jeans and you wanna feel me wet from wanting you.
You wanna please me and tease me, you want me to want you in me.
You wanna hear me moan and scream your name each time you go a little deeper, thrust abit harder, bit it a little faster.
You wanna see me cum, watch me arch my back and grip the sheets in sweet ecstasy.
I’m right aren’t I?

You know what?
I’d love for you to do all that on one condition.
I want you to go so deep in me that you feel ‘who’ you are.
You look a little confused.
Let me explain it to you.

You see my smooth skin but you don’t see the pride that makes it glow.
You see my pretty brown eye but you don’t see the wisdom that draws you to them.
You watch my lips speak but you don’t hear the love in the words they express.
You see my perky breasts but you don’t see the life they want to give.
You see my round hips but you don’t see the rhythm in my soul as they sway from side to side.
You see my thick thighs but you don’t see the strength they long to hold you with.
You see my feet but you don’t feel the beat they drummed in my past lives.

You want ‘what’ I am.
You can’t see ‘who’ I am because you don’t see ‘who’ I see when I look at you.
Now let me tell you what ‘I’ want.

I want you to trace your hands all over my skin and make it more than glow, I want you to make me shine.
I want you to look into my eyes and feel the desire to know you radiating from me.
I want you to kiss me and feel my love excite every cell in my body.
I want you to caress my breasts and watch my nipple transform into missiles as you remind them of their noble mission.
I want you to make me feel how powerful you are when you force my thighs to open for you.
I want you to take me further beyond this world with every pulsing thrust of your yearning to know who ‘you’ are.

I want You!
You see I don’t just wanna fuck.
I wanna soulmate.
I want you to go so deep in my that you get lost in you.
I wanna soulmate.
I want you to realize in that moment that what we are is simply a condition for being here,
And that who you are and who I am are really two parts of our soul.
I wanna soulmate.
But the part of me that you can’t see can’t make love with a part of you that you cant see.
So here’s my number, call me when you see me in the mirror.

Isis- Perfect Imperfections

Perfect....perfection.....Say it again..How does it make you feel? what does that mean to you? Think about it...What is perfect? perfection..

Like a circle its flawless. It begins where it end and ends where it begins..it exists without the complication of what comes between the beginning and the end. It doesn't have a middle nor does it have any extremes. It simply IS. Perfection i feel exists in every single one of us..

We all are the one and only version of ourselves. No on can be me exactly as I am nor can i be someone else. I am the the only reference and source of all that is me. No one will ever know me as i do. I am the beginning and the end of me. Where i start is where i end and that is where there is me. I AM. All the complication that exists between my beginning and my end only exists between the non existent boundary between where I begin And where i end. It is insignificant and only serves to enrich my BEING. I have been BEING since i drew my first breath and experienced my first thought. From then i have been perfect. Nothing within the microcosom that is me is out of place or is meant to exists elsewhere. It IS therefore i AM and I AM therefore it IS.

What you and I may refer to as imperfection are in reality a part of our unique perfection. This is because perfection isn't a state of being that exists in one form that we must all strive to embody. Perfection is subjective and and exists in the multiple universes that are each and every one of us. We should therefore, and more importantly can ONLY, strive towards maintaining our individual perfection and take care not be lost in the vain and hopeless trap of imitation.

Life is perfect. It isn't good nor is it bad. It simply IS and we ARE...Perfect!

Isis- Love-Hate

I love because my soul is made to love

I hate because my heart is consumed by it

I want to love but my heart will not let me

I don’t want to hate but my soul is poisoned by it

Hate flows through my veins camouflaged by the deep red of my blood

Love is carried in the space within my being that is my spirit

I feel it yet I question whether it exists in my reality

My love is so ethereal I struggle to keep it within my realm of existence

Hatred compensates with the strength of its presence in my life

Hate is almost vital for my existence in this realm

I yearn to transfer my reality to the realm that feeds on my love

Yet I am afraid of letting go of the hatred

I fear at times that I need to hate in order to love

I fear that I love so freely because I hate without restraint

One extreme fuels the other

Where is the balance?

I fear it cannot BE within the confines of my realm

Isis- Ode to She

She is the lioness baring her teeth malevolently in feirce protection of her cub

She is the lioness who is the life force of the pride

She is the lioness who goes on unappreciated for her contributions

She is the liones who stands powerfully, gracefully, majestically awaiting the new dawn.

She is the matriarch of the herd, gathering leading and loving all under her care

She is the matriarch who commands the utmost respect and reverence

She is the matriarch wise, prudent, forgiving but never forgetting

She is the matriarch royal, yet her blood and tears forge a path for her people.

She is the woman, strong, beautiful, the giver of life

She is the woman, intelligent, strategic, hard working

She is the woman, loving, caring, maintaining our existence

She is the woman, she chosen by nature to be the source of all true power.

She is strength, pride, love, joy, balance, stability, safe, warm, peace, life

She is my mother!

Isis- I Miss You

I miss You!

You who ever so often reveals to me the world of endless potential and joy,

You who knows my heart my soul and my mind,

You who fights for my bliss even in the face of my own resistance,

You who never fails to be by my side whenever I’m in need,

You who loves me unconditionally without prejudice or malice,

You who cares so much for me that you make the tough and painful decisions for me,

You who never falters in the face of struggle and gives me the strength to fight through the obstacle course that is life,

You who reminds every day of everything worth fighting for, everything worth sacrificing for, everything worth living for, everything worth dying for,

You who no matter what will always and truly have my best interests at heart.

Simply, I miss Me!

I miss my dreams, my life, my aspirations, my loves, my joys, my passion, my will, my spark.

I miss the essence of You!

Isis- Reflections

I look within when in search of answers the outside world refuses to reveal.

I look within so that I may locate the eternal fountain of thought that feeds my mind.

I look within in the hope of finding something or someone who may dispose of my fear of emptiness.

I look within so that I may look upon my reflection and see myself anew.

I look within so as to prepare for the sacrifice of my face to the world.

I look within in search of who I am…

I look to you in search of a path to Me.

Isis- Friendship

It is often said that the company we keep is a reflection of ourselves,
That would mean that some of he and she is me,
But can that truly be?

I think she is wise.
Does that mean you see wisdom in my eyes?
I think he is strong.
Does that mean one day i'll sing my own song?
I think she's beautiful.
Doesnt that mean my men should be bountiful?
I think he's charming.
Doesnt that mean you should find me disarming?

I know its impossible to be exactly similar,
I cannot be as she and he cannot be as I am.
But why is it then i can only be me,
When he, she and I become We?
I guess you complete the puzzle that is Me.

Isis- Is She? Can She?

I see her only in the mirror in those delicate moments when she is betrayed by deceptive transparent blinds.

Only in these brief instances of unacknowledged nakedness am I privy to her rare exquisite pain.

I am slightly embarrassed for witnessing such pure vulnerability, so intrinsically delicate is she I flinch when I observe the superhuman effort she mounts to meekly signal for a band aid for her severely burnt hand. I understand, from a far off region of my brain reserved for telepathy, she burnt it in a moment of David-like courage attempting to caress the face of her beloved.

I know, somehow, that in her world wounds must heal at their choosing and she may not seek interventionist remedies. Again it occurs to me that there simply is no remedy for love burns. Her wounds will heal but it is her choice as to the extent of the infection and the scarring.

My heart thunders with indignation at the cruelty of such responsibility! Whatever happened to rights and tortious prosecutions and remedies?! Is there no justice in this world?

A chilly breeze blows through the open door he so maliciously left ajar. As the cold air reaches her injured limb she is torn between basking in the sweet relief from the pain and the heavy numbness spreading across her body. She must choose between living with the pain and slipping into the deliciously deep hypothermic sleep.

I cry from the vain effort of willing her to fall into that eternal slumber, surely death is preferential to such a torturous existence!!

In a herculian show of strength she flings her fragile body against the door to shut it and collapses from the effort. Just before her eyes close she looks up at me and smiles but I am so angry I turn away in disgust.

I cannot understand such irrational actions! I vow to
protect her from herself. So I lock the door and install bank vault worthy security. To prevent vulturistic lovers from burning her again I cover her in invisible body armor.

Behind the labyrinth of masks no harm can come to her again.

The touch of a worthy beloved is the ultimate sacrifice but it is a worthy forgone pleasure for the pain she avoids.

As I turn away from the mirror proud of my good deed of the day, I'm floored by the sudden realisation..that smile..those eyes..the numbness.. Is she? Can she?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome to Humanity United Forum Foundation

Welcome to Humanity United Forum Foundation. This foundation is the child of a group of young black Africans who are passionate about changing the world for the betterment of ALL human beings, irrespective of race, tribe, religion, gender, nationality, class, etc. Our main objective is to create a forum for discussion and education on all issues affecting humanity. The lack of unity amongst human beings is of great concern to us. Today we have a United Nations, a World Bank, a World Trade Organization, but the divisions amongst human beings have only gotten bigger and worse. This indicates that there clearly has to be a force that is holding humanity back from coming together as one. What is holding us back? What is holding the entire planet back? A false ideology of supremacy is what is holding us all back. An ideology that postulates that some of us are better than others. So my race is superior, my tribe is superior, my gender is superior, my class/statues is superior, my religion is superior, my country is superior, my neighborhood is superior, etc. Being part of the superior group, by default, makes your life more valuable than the life of those in the inferior group. What right does any of us have to make such a declaration? We all come to life the same way, laugh and cry, breath and bleed the same way, and ultimately we all have to die, leaving with nothing but our soul, if we did not sell it. The self appointed superior group then always proceeds to exploit the group they themselves label as inferior. This ideology of superiority, is largely championed by people who are over 45-50 years of age. This is because they grew up in an era of great intolerance, and this became a part of them for survival purposes. Many of us young people have witnessed our parents encourage this ideology by telling us to marry within the race, tribe, religion, class, etc. There can be no true love in such a civilization, and therefore, there can never be lasting peace. We will never, ever have peace with a superiority complex permeating the entire planet. The younger generation does not suffer from this complex in large. Add to that, we are the most educated generation in world history. We, the younger generation throughout this earth, must take over leadership of this planet today, or the older generation, with their superiority complex, will lead us all to extinction. Please join us, and if within your means, send us a donation to help us keep this movement going. May peace be with us all. WE ARE THE LEADERS OF TODAY, TOMORROW NEVER COMES.