I miss You!
You who ever so often reveals to me the world of endless potential and joy,
You who knows my heart my soul and my mind,
You who fights for my bliss even in the face of my own resistance,
You who never fails to be by my side whenever I’m in need,
You who loves me unconditionally without prejudice or malice,
You who cares so much for me that you make the tough and painful decisions for me,
You who never falters in the face of struggle and gives me the strength to fight through the obstacle course that is life,
You who reminds every day of everything worth fighting for, everything worth sacrificing for, everything worth living for, everything worth dying for,
You who no matter what will always and truly have my best interests at heart.
Simply, I miss Me!
I miss my dreams, my life, my aspirations, my loves, my joys, my passion, my will, my spark.
I miss the essence of You!
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