Proverbs 3:31 (King James Version)
"Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways."
Brothers and sisters, we, the people, are the energy that fuel this engine and system of oppression and suppression. We give our power, by ballot every four years, to people and a capitalist system that do not have, and will never have poor people’s interests at heart. What is the difference between the colonial government and our current and previous governments? Other than skin color there is no difference. We are still being oppressed and murdered in the same ruthless manner. We must therefore understand that the oppressor is always a small elite group that manages to exist by keeping the masses of oppressed people divided tribally, racially or religiously and fighting amongst each other. They also exist through the use of force, and when the people are united they emphasize some foreign threat to divert attention from themselves. This elite group has no tribe or race or religion. You can be oppressed by a member of your own tribe and race and religion, as the elite only recognize their family and other elites.
These people, elites and elite servants, are self centered liars and thieves who prey on people’s naivety and goodwill. The colonialists left only on the condition that their political and economic system of exploitation would not be changed so that they could maintain their grip on our national resources may they be mineral, agricultural or labour. Our so called "leaders" were more than happy to maintain these systems as it guaranteed to make them rich and powerful just like the colonialists. Now they tell us that if we work hard enough we can make a better life for ourselves. When in reality, our hard work just makes them and "former" colonialists rich while we languish in stark poverty. Years later, what benefits for the whole has this so called independence brought? Do you now have land that you can call your own? Who owns these large expanses of land? Why is land unaffordable to people who were born on this land? Are we freer now than when we were colonized? Are we oppressed any less? Where is that better life today? Is it easier to attain or is it harder than ever before? Who, in this country, works harder than the regular everyday people? What do you get for your hard work, year after year after year? Do you get cheaper goods? Do you get a raise commensurate with the high cost of living? Does the Government provide relief for you, as they promise every election year? We have been fed false hopes and dreams.
If we define poor as not being able to have the basics of food, shelter and clothing, then it is a fact that there are more poor people on the planet today than ever before in history. When at the same time, the elite have never been richer than they are today in any time in history. The disparity between the rich and poor is growing larger in every country. They tell us of economies growing world wide every year; but who is it growing for? It must be growing for the rich as there are more and more people falling into poverty every year. As it grows for them it shrinks for others. Famine is now lurking in so called "third world countries"; this is at a time when food production is at an all time high globally, largely due to technological advancements. The only thing that stands between the hungry and the food is a need for the producer and supplier to make a profit. This is what makes the food unaffordable and unattainable to the poor. They export the food to regions and countries where they can be paid these ridiculous prices and the poor are told that there is a shortage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where is the government in all of this?
The Government is absent yet again and only show themselves when dissent on their incompetence is voiced. They come out with violence in retaliation to people seeking justice. They attack truth with viciousness and complete lack of empathy. They bring out the elite system's guards and protectors i.e. the police, secret service, army personnel, etc. to quell the hungry and landless majority. These officers are not here to protect regular people, but instead, they are here to keep the people who have too much safe from those who do not have anything. This is what Capitalism breeds. Socialism and Communism, with an unscrupulous Government that owns everything instead of the people, is just as bad if not worse. People elected into Government are supposed to be servants of those who elected them, not rulers! What kind of servants are these who arrange for themselves exuberant salaries that the ordinary people, who they work for, could never attain. They spend taxpayer money on the most expensive cars in the market, while the people walk to save for bread. Where is the humanity, empathy and brotherhood?
The inhumanity of unaffordable food prices needs to be addressed. The inhumanity in land allocation and prices needs to be corrected. The inhumanity of poor people having no access to a good education is unacceptable. The inhumanity of poor people having no clothes and no shelter in this day is shameful and must be changed. There is a complete lack of morality and ethics in the system. These are direct symptoms of capitalism, and the need to make a profit by any means necessary, that is if you want to stay in business. We know, in economics that scarcity drives prices up. Therefore, as a small group of people have more and more land for themselves, there is less land available to the masses and the price of land goes up. As this small group hoards more and more money in their banks, there is less and less in circulation for the masses. If more money is printed, with no asset value or growth attached to it, to keep money circulating, then we have inflation and prices go up. A meltdown or depression, which is inevitable in this system, occurs when over 80% of money and assets is concentrated in 10% or less of the population. The other side of the equation, of some people having too much, needs to be addressed and recognized as it will, mathematically, without fail, cause others to have too little. These so called "leaders" admit that there is an under privileged group, but that only means that there is an OVER privileged group as well. This is just common sense. But do we ever hear any mention of an over privileged group?
For any society as a whole to flourish you must have cooperation rather than competition, brotherhood and reciprocity rather than individualism and selfishness, sharing of land and resources rather than hoarding and accumulating more than one could ever use in 100 life times. None of these positive aspects can ever work in a capitalist system; you would absolutely go out of business. Capitalism is an individualistic, competitive system, not a society or community oriented system. The individual is encouraged to amass as much as he or she can in money and assets, such as land, and is praised and highly recognized for doing so. This, naturally, has to cause a shortage and hence poverty for the majority as these things are not infinite. This is basic economics. So in developed countries they created a welfare system for these unfortunate under privileged people so that they would not revolt against the system. The welfare, also, is not infinite and once it runs out, these unfortunate people are dumped on the street with nothing. They turn to crime as a last resort to get some food on the table if they still have a table. That is exactly why America, the mother of capitalism, has the most people in prison, the most people with no land, and the most people addicted to alcohol and drugs, the most crime, etc. The hopelessness of their lives makes them turn to alcohol, drugs and finally crime to take what they need by force. In developing countries we do not have a welfare system, so you find more revolts and more crime as a result of this hopelessness, as people are not just going to lie down and die quietly as the government and elites would like.
Therefore capitalism creates poverty and high poverty creates high crime. Poverty and crime are directly related, any economists will tell you this. The high crime, due to high poverty, creates a need for a police force to protect those that have from those that do not have. Hence, the police are not here to protect people per say, but instead, are here to keep the poor in check. We never had such high crime in Africa until we adopted this European system. We never had jails in Africa until we adopted this European system. We never had so many people going without food or landlessness in Africa until we adopted this European system. Capitalism is synonymous with making profits and corruption is also synonymous with making profits. Therefore, corruption is built into the system itself and to get rid of corruption you must either have saints running the system, or get rid of this system. But since there are no saints here on earth, let’s get rid of the system. The only reason, again, our so called “leaders”, and elites have adopted and maintained this destructive system is because it guarantees them riches and power and thus puts them over and above the masses. Corruption is only one symptom of many, of a much larger disease called capitalism. We will be arguing about corruption for the rest of our lives if we do not realize that the foundation of the problem is this profit oriented capitalist system. Impunity is a disregard to law and order. It is yet another symptom of this system as only people with money are able to exercise impunity, thinking they are above the law. They think they can buy themselves out of any situation, and in this system they are often able to. Poor people on the other hand think long and hard of the consequences and often only break the law out of shear desperation.
The system, therefore, has to be changed if we are to survive as a nation and in the larger picture, as a planet. This system is destroying lives and also destroying the planet. We need a humanistic system that is devoted to the needs of every human being first and foremost and not to making profits. We need a system that promotes the interests of the society and the community and not that of a select few individuals. We need to look back in our rich African history and realize that we had a system that served everybody. We had a system that never left anybody out. This system was community based and enabled African Kingdoms to flourish for thousands of years, while these European systems go into recessions every decade and have a life span of less than a few hundred years before they completely self destruct as is happening today. The US, which has experienced over 14 recessions in less than 100 years, and has millions of Americans excluded from the “American dream”, is who we are trying to emulate. The elite are never going to accept an all inclusive system as they would have to give up their wealth and therefore power. They did not do it in the days of Moses nor in the days of Christ and neither in the days of Mohammad, but instead, the elite persecuted these great men for their message of brotherhood. The more you have, the more you will have to give up for the greater good of all. Money and wealth always concentrates where the power is. The people have no power so they have no money or wealth. Capitalism should be called just what it is; elitism.
It is clear that people, globally, have been failed by their governments, who almost all follow the same capitalist, top down system. If a spouse or a friend had failed you as much as these governments have, common sense would have had you dump them a long time ago. Let us use that same common sense with our relationship with these dysfunctional governments. We do not want any unnecessary bloodshed, so we are not advocating an overthrow of governments. We are just not going to recognize them anymore. Let's us use this abundant energy in the youth to create a new reality for our children and their children. No need to waste energy marching or protesting as this never achieved anything except give them recognition. We should instead unite with one voice, regardless of tribe, religion, race or class and completely seize to recognize this evil, corrupt institution. We need to stop attending government functions, stop complying with their orders and stop paying taxes. This government is busy stealing money from us while babies and women are dying of hunger. This lack of compassion for our most precious, helpless citizens is completely unacceptable. These oppressors have devilishly divided us, the oppressed masses, into tribal and racial groups and we are now busy fighting each other because one poor man is of the Kikuyu tribe and I am Luo or he is white and I'm black, but we are all poor. We are also all human beings. To the men in uniform, i.e. police, military, etc., do not let these rich people set you against poor people with tear gas, batons and some times gun fire as if you do not have a mind of your own. Some of you are just as poor if not more and after the elite are done using you, is your life any better? You should instead join the struggle and stop these elites from using you like guard dogs. You are humans beings too, who deserve respect like the rest of us, and these elite do not respect you anymore than they respect us.
These governments do NOT, and are NOT supposed to give us any rights. They should only protect those rights that we as human beings are born with automatically. We as human beings are born with inalienable rights, given to us by God, Allah, Jehovah or whatever you call the Creator, which governments take from us. We are born free like any other creature on this planet; it is soulless people who enslave us politically and economically. Owning land is a prerequisite to freedom; not renting. He who is in debt is a slave to the debtor. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and nothing gives one more independence and security than completely owning their own piece of land. This earth is all ours, not for a few rich people. We must take it back peacefully. We will do this from the bottom up, and do things for ourselves and not look to these outdated, self centered elites to do it for us. We are going to bring about a transformation in the world. Those who choose to remain stuck will be held back. This is their choice and we must honor that choice. Those of us who choose to move to a new reality and capture the truth for ourselves and honor the truth of others, will find that a new peace will flow within us. Let us completely stop honoring lies and liars. We are going to work out of love, not fear or anger. Governments thrives on fear and anger, but they cannot control love. Love causes them to back away, as it conflicts with their nature. Evil comes from the desire of individuals or groups to dominate others. We are tired of being dominated by these wealthy groups, who only care for themselves.
There is responsibility to be assumed on both sides, that is, the government and the people, for this horrible situation we find ourselves in. We already know of the government’s great responsibility to bear from all the lies, murders and thievery they have committed. We the people also have some responsibility to bear because we elected this government and completely endorsed and validated the system by voting. These so called "leaders" did not fall out of the sky into these high positions, we elected them. We, in Kenya, elected a president who was part of one of the most ruthless dictatorships in Africa. What did we honestly expect? Only a crazy person keeps doing the same thing and expects different results. No one from the Moi regime should ever be allowed into public office. They should all be investigated for participating or being complacent in crimes against humanity. If you know a crime is going on and you look the other way and don't make an attempt to stop it, then you are just as guilty as the criminal. All nations' power lies in the people. We have the power to come together and put these people in office and we have the power to remove them from office by coming together again. The time has come for us to take on this responsibility and make the necessary sacrifices to put back control of the nation and its resources back in the hands of the people, where it rightfully belongs. Not the hands of the elite. We should all enjoy being Africans, therefore, we should all benefit from this continent's wealth. To change our current situation, we are going to have to sacrifice today in order to enjoy tomorrow. Think of the children and the kind of hopeless future they are going to have if we let these so called "leaders" keep stealing from the continent with impunity and lying to us. A wise man once said that the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.
We need reform, and like every solid structure it must start from the bottom up. The state is a reflection of the communities, and the communities are a reflection of the families in them. Therefore the family is the smallest version of a government and the reform needs to start there. If there is secrecy, lies, neglect, violence, etc, in the family, these vices will leak into the community and finally into the state. So the country is merely a reflection of the family unity. Everything we despise about our country, we have let happen in our homes and our lives. We must therefore clean ourselves up and clean up the home first. Once the individual is on a righteous path, the family will be on that same path and then the community and then the state. We are hypocrites when we want an honest government when we ourselves lie to each other and steal from each other.
We are all leaders; we lead our families and together we give each other direction for the community and the nation. When we stop following and start leading, we will lead ourselves out of this miserable existence that we are in today. We have been following others for too long and it has not gotten us anywhere. With direction you do not have to follow anyone. The only entity we should be following is the Almighty Creator. The elite want us to follow them so they can tell us what to do. This is the new form of slavery we find ourselves in today. They are the slave masters and we must ask them for everything, from food, to jobs, to shelter. The so called middle class is more enslaved than the poor. This is because most of them are complete dependent on the state and corporations to provide jobs for them so they can earn money for food and shelter. We now have grown men and women begging for food and jobs form those we have been following. If you had direction you would produce your own food and create a job for yourself. The days of relying on others to produce food for you are coming to an end. This economic crisis is going to devalue all currencies and end this monetary system and over dependence, where the elite benefit and the masses are the losers. Over dependence, created by globalization, is the main cause of this crisis. People are going to have to become self reliant again, and this is going to help us break our dependence on the elite. We are all going to have to go back to farming and producing for ourselves if we want to survive what is coming. This is going to be painful for some but it will empower us in the end. The city life as we know it is going to be a thing of the past. Money is an illusion and no amount of money is going to help you. Rioting, looting, stealing and protesting will not help either. The only thing that is going to help us is going back to creating and producing for ourselves and sharing with others.
In conclusion, we must change the system and vow never to be dependent on others again. We were not created to beg or depend on anyone for anything. Our education system, which serves the elite, has not taught us to be independent and to create for ourselves. It has only taught us to be good workers and to make money for the elite. The coming crisis is going to push us in the right direction, towards self reliance, but that is only the first step. It is also going to unite us, as money is what separates us. When money will not be worth anything anymore we will realize how similar we all are. We are a community based people and the various communities are going to have to come together and unite to form a new stronger nation. We must come out of this producing enough food for the entire nation. We must come out of this owning our natural resources. We must come out of this with free education, free land, free health care and energy independence for all Africans and peoples of the earth. This is the direction we must all move towards if we are to come out of this in better shape than we are. We Africans are not poor; we are the wealthiest people on the planet. You cannot steal from one who has nothing, and the elite, whether European, American, African, or Asian, have been stealing our gold, oil, diamonds, etc., for a very long time. We must therefore reclaim our wealth and determine our own future. To get involved or for more information please contact us at Thank you and peace be unto all of you.
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