Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lion of Ta Meri - Our Time to Shine

Humanity needs to change course fast. We need a totally new vision and direction, to allow for the survival of this generation and the ones to come. Some reading this may say to themselves, "things are not so bad, I have a decent home, I have a decent car or means of movement, I have decent clothes, I am healthy, and so are my loved ones and if anything happens we can afford decent treatment, I received a decent education, I have a decent job," etc. Having these things delude some of us into thinking that we are somehow better than those who do not enjoy such. Things that can be taken away from us in the twinkling of an eye. The majority of the worlds population, however, do not enjoy the fruits of having a decent life. This economic model that the world is functioning on, will not allow for everyone to, at the very least, have access to a decent life. So you are right, things are not so bad, but only for you and a few other people. You might not see the countless of homeless and starving families, in that condition because a job was lost or could not be found. In some cases the government or their controllers, the banks, take peoples homes because certain payments were not forth coming. You might not hear of stories of loved ones dying because treatment was unaffordable. You might not see or hear of the amazing talent and potential that is wasting away in slums and ghettos. You cannot see or hear such things, and more, because your life is decent and you only go to decent places and hang around others with decent lives or better. You are not at fault for having a decent life, but you are at fault for forgetting your brothers and sisters who are suffering.

So who will change this? Some are waiting for a better government, some are waiting for a revolutionary leader and some are waiting for Christ. Some, however, have given up, and wish they would die. Sadly, the number of suicides resulting from indebted farmers, professionals, families, etc, who are losing everything, due to the inability to pay the bank or the landlord, is sharply rising world wide. Who will change this? The kingdoms of this earth have all failed in their duty to their people. This has been so since the ego of man took over the affairs of the body, suppressing the true self, the soul. The arrogant part of you suppressing the humble part of you. The greedy part of you suppressing the sharing and caring part of you. The more powerful people suppressing those with less power. The European, having gained fire power, decided to use it to rob other peoples of their wealth and land. They have never brought civilization anywhere on this entire earth. Technology is not civilization. Acting in a polite, courteous manner with other people is what civilized is. Every time the European set foot in Africa he was received in a very civilized manner. We cooked for them, gave them a place to lay their heads, traded with them, but as soon as they learned our ways they betrayed us and killed us wholesale. I say this not to stir up hate, but instead to create the foundation necessary to effectively reason out why Africa is in the condition that it is in today. If you are wealthy, you do not find it necessary to go around robbing people. The European has gone all over this earth robbing people of land and wealth. They do this because they are poor in terms of skilled labor resource and mineral resource. Africa is the richest continent on the planet, this is why we have been robbed the most, by all other peoples. It is well known that the people who control Africa's resources will be the wealthiest people on the earth. Who has had control over African mineral resources and its skilled labor of expert carpenters, masons, farmers, potters, weavers, fishermen, etc, for the last 400 years? The Europeans. Hence, they are the most wealthy and thus powerful group. When the Arabs had control over Africa from about the 7th century AD to the 15th century AD, they were the most wealthy and powerful group. They still have control of North Africa to this day. The Arabs in North Africa today were not there before the Muslim conquests which started in 639 AD. Just like in America, where the Europeans killed and overpopulated the Native Americans almost out of existence, the Arab has done the same in North Africa. But, if you go to Egypt, Morocco, Libya and Algeria, you can still find the dark skinned original people of those lands. They have a new religion, Islam, and new language, Arabic, but they are still Indigenous Africans, just like the Native Americans and sub-Saharan Africans have a new religion, Christianity, and a new language, English, but they are still Native Americans and Native Africans respectively. You have been totally conquered when your enemy changes, or brainwashes you to change your religion, dress, language, name, etc, into his. This is why they come with missionaries. Not because the care for you soul, but because they want your soul. So, for the colonizing process to be totally effective, it must be carried out on all three levels of physical, mental and spiritual.

But did Africa not get it's independence from European enslavement and colonialism a few years ago? What kind of independence is it when you still dress like the oppressor, speak the language of the oppressor, pray to the same deity as the oppressor, wear the same names as the oppressor, etc? And, would the Europeans willingly give up their source of power and wealth because of morality and ethics? Of course not. They just changed strategy. They were receiving too many casualties and spending too much money colonizing us in the open, so they tactically decided to create the illusion of withdrawal, while controlling the very same resources using spineless, puppet, hand picked African traitors. To control the human and mineral resources, all they have to do is control is the economy. They do that through debt they know we cannot pay back, but never the less force a leader into taking the loan from their European banking institutions (World Bank, IMF) which come with Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP), such as privatization, which are never in the interest of that nation (Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins, available at www.humanityunitedforum.com). The leader knows that the country will be perpetually indebted because of the high interest rate, and will inevitably have to sell off its resources to pay back the debt, but he is either afraid of assassination or does not care, as he get's his cut for accepting the loan, while the country is left with the burden of paying the high interest debt. The loan deals made by the older generation, based on greed or fear, on behalf of the younger generation, who will inevitably inherit the consequences of such deals, must be voided on grounds of fraud. It can be proven beyond any doubt that most of the money goes to Western multi-national corporations or their subsidiaries and the rest to a few selected families in the receiving nation. Close to nothing ever trickles down to benefit the public. Even if a small amount of money trickles down to benefit the public, the immorality of high interest rates gives these European institutions all their money back plus a lot extra. If you give me two dollars in public as aid, but behind closed doors you take back ten dollars, what's going to happen to me? It can also be empirically proven that the loans cause more harm than any supposed good. Any money used for infrastructure building, is many times to facilitate the extraction of raw materials and products produced with cheap labor.

So who is going to change this, and when!? Obama said it very well, "We are the change we have been waiting for." Christ said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". We are the ones to change this; the youth specifically, and we have to change it now. The older generation have done their best, and have created the environment necessary for the final part of our liberation struggle as Africa. They have fought for us to have access to learn the ways of the oppressor, not for us to then become the oppressor, as many of us have, but instead so that the oppressor may not be able to run his deceitful game on us anymore. We now have a generation of highly educated Africans, in the worst shape ever because we have become the oppressor. And, like the oppressor, we now do for ourselves, forgetting the community. This mentality is destroying our continent and is creating a generation with absolutely no assets whatsoever. The rich have bought everything of any worth, and kept it for themselves and the rest of us have to work for the rich to get a small piece to take to the landlords and merchants, which in many cases is the rich again.

Western economies are now falling because they no longer have the unrestricted, free access to labor and minerals they used to. There is little to no wealth in Europe or North America, and other than Germany, none of them produce anything of economic consequence. If they don't control areas of the world which have commodities of great economic consequence, how will they compete in this 21st century? They cannot compete. Their interests in Africa are not only for economic survival but also for physical survival, as most of the food consumed in the Western world is imported from Africa and South America. So who depends on who? Our role in this world can no longer be one of subservience, but has to be one of mutual respect.

If the present generation of young people do not organize and rise to take what is rightfully theirs, like their father's did in the 50s and 60s, they will end up dying with nothing to pass on to their children. If we all did a little, no one person would have to do much and we could change our situation and reality over night. IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE!!

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